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Custom URI Reference

Reference documentation of built-int custom URI types.

Whenever you need to load data from a location, you can use a URI to point to such a location. You do so already by using such URIs in your web browser, for example. Common URI types you might be familiar with, are:

  • file:/data/path/contract.docx

Besides such commonly known URI types, PIPEFORE also supports custom URI types to simplify access to common resources. Whenever a URI is accepted as an argument, for example in commands or utils, you can apply such custom URIs. Here are some examples of such custom URIs in PIPEFORCE:

  • $uri:drive:/someFolder/myFile.txt - Loads a file from the drive data room.
  • $uri:property:global/app/myapp/template/text - Loads a property from the property store.
  • $uri:property:global/app/myapp/template/text@value - Loads the value of a property from the property store.
  • $uri:pipeline:global/app/myapp/pipeline/hello - Executes the persisted pipeline at given location and returns the final body content as result.
  • $uri:user:admin - Returns the information object of the given user with given username.
  • $uri:user:uuid=260e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-443655440000 - Returns the information object of the given user with given uuid.

Custom PIPEFORCE uris typically start with prefix $uri: followed by the concrete uri type.

Here is an example to apply a custom URI on a command:

- mails.send:
to: recipient@mail.tld
subject: "Hello!"
message": Hello World!"
attachments: "$uri:property:global/app/myapp/resources/file"

As you can see in this example, the attachments argument contains a custom URI pointing to a property in the property store. This property will be loaded and added as an attachment.

And in this example, a custom uri is used inside a PEL util instead:

- set.body:
value: "#{@resolve.uri('$uri:drive:/someFolder/document.json')}"

Resolving an URI

You have multiple options to resolve an URI: Resolving an URI means, loading the content this URI is pointing to.

By command

In case you use a URI as parameter to a supporting command, this URI will automatically resolved to its content data by this command, as you could see by the previous example:

- mails.send:
to: recipient@mail.tld
subject: "Hello!"
message": Hello World!"
attachments: "$uri:property:global/app/myapp/resources/file"

By resolve command

In order to explicitely resolve an URI, there is a special command resolve for this, which can resolve any URI and returns the content of it.

You can use it in a pipeline like this:

- resolve:
uri: "$uri:property:gloabl/app/myapp/config/app"

This example will return you the full property (metdata + value) of the given property path. For example like this:

"checksum": "sha-256=38334e50687bc68125e3b66121311a0bd1b848b8fa36c85dfe189d84313c5582",
"path": "/pipeforce/ns/global/app/myapp/config/app",
"uuid": "cc059f6e-fa6a-4ad8-bc51-04a85e33b965",
"locked": false,
"trashed": false,
"value": "{ \"title\": \"My App\", ...}",
"defaultValue": null,
"type": "application/json",
"created": 1669907722095,
"updated": 1671171893712,
"timeToLive": null

In order to return only the value of a property, add a property filter with @ at the end (see below for more details about this). For example:

- resolve:
uri: "$uri:property:gloabl/app/myapp/config/app@value"

This will the return only the value part of the property as JSON:

"title": "My App",
"description": "This is my app",
"icon": "assignment",
"tags": [

And if you would like return only the title text of the property value, you can use the # symbol which filters the value of a property, in case it is a JSON document (more about this in the description for Property URI below). For example:

- resolve:
uri: "$uri:property:gloabl/app/myapp/config/app#title"

This would return:

My App

In case you use the # symbol or any other symbol reserved by a GET request URL, you need to decode the uri parameter. Alternatively you can send the uri in a POST request, form-data encoded in the body. In this case, no encoding is required.

Here is an example how to use this command with curl on the terminal with URI encoded parameter (the symbol # is encoded to %23):

curl -X GET -u username:password '$uri:property:gloabl/app/myapp/config/app%23title'

By the @resolve functions

Another possibility inside a pipeline is to use the @resolve.uri function:

- log:
message: "Content is: #{@resolve.uri('$uri:property:gloabl/app/myapp/config/app@value')}"

Drive URI

This custom URI points to a file on the data room service drive.



- mail.send:
attachments: "$uri:drive:/contracts/contract1.pdf"

Pipeline URI

This URI can be used to execute a persisted pipeline, and return the final body output of this pipeline as a result.

$uri:pipeline:[PIPELINE PATH]

Let's assume you have a pipeline like this stored at global/app/myapp/pipeline/hello:

- set.body:
value: "HELLO WORLD!"

To execute this pipeline and to output this hello world example, you could execute a URI like this:

- log:
message: "Output: #{@resolve.uri('$uri:pipeline:global/app/myapp/pipeline/hello')}"

This will create a log-entry like this:


Property URI

This custom URI points to a property in the property store.

$uri:property:[PATH OF THE PROPERTY]


- set.body:
value: "#{@resolve.uri('$uri:property:global/app/myapp/object/person')}"

Property Filter

It is also possible to further filter the property using a PE, which gets applied to the property before its result will be returned.


As you might already know, a property has a structure like this:


"path": "/unique/path/of/the/property",
"uuid": "unique id",
"type": "mime type of this property",
"created": createdTimeStampInMillis,
"value": "The payload of the property",
"attachments": [

"uuid": "unique id",
"name": "file name of the attachment",
"size": bytes,
"contentType": "content type of this attachment",
"chunks": [
"size": bytes,
"content": byteArray

For a full list of the attributes of a property, please refer to the Property Store Guide.

With a Property Filter, you can now select the part you would like to return in your URI:

- log:
message: "Num. of attachments: #{@resolve.uri('$uri:property:global/app/myapp/object/person@attachments.size()')}"

As you can see in this example, you can count the number of attachments of the property with a single URI call.

Value Filter

In case the value of a property is of type application/json, you can apply a filter on the value in order to return just a subset from the JSON value.


This filter only works in case the value of the property is of the type: application/json!

Let's assume we have a property in the property store like this:

"path": "path/to/person",
"type": "application/json",
"value": {
"name": "Max Master",
"age": 35,
"hobbies": [

We can use a Value Filter in the URI in order to directly return the name of the person, like this:

- log:
message: "Name: #{@resolve.uri('$uri:property:path/to/person#name')}"

Which will log a message like this:

Name: Max Master

It's possible to use the full power of the PEL to filter, for example:

- log:
message: "Number of hobbies: #{@resolve.uri('$uri:property:path/to/person#hobbies.size()')}"

Which will log a message like this:

Number of hobbies: 3

User URI

This uri is handy to load a user object given by a username or uuid.




For example:

- set.body:
value: "#{@resolve.uri('$uri:user:maria')}"

This will return the user-info data similar to this:

"uuid": "someUuid",
"username": "maria",
"email": "some@email.tld",
"firstName": "Maria",
"lastName": "Meyer",

The same is true when using the uuid of the user:

- set.body:
value: "#{@resolve.uri('$uri:user:uuid=someUuid')}"

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